Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My Star

So it's the 7th today. My one and only sister's birthday! YAYYYYY!!! I don't know if any of you who read this know, but me and my sister are very close. Infact she's my best friend. (I have to admitt, it wasn't always this way!). So today's her birthday. I've seen her for a grand total of maybe 15 minutes today. She had to work at 6am untill 10am, so when I woke up she was already up and gone. Knowing she had to work that early on her birthday made me a little mad so I decided to cheer her up by blowing up some balloons and putting them on the bannester at the front door. I then made a sign that said, "Happy 19th Birthday!" and attatched it to the 2 bannesters so that there was no way she could miss it (for those of you that don't know our house, you take stairs into the actuall house which is where I hung the poster. She would have to walk right into it in order to get out of the entrence). When I got home from school, I asked her if she liked her balloons. She said, "It made me smile =D." So, on birthdays, we as a family usually have dinner (my mom takes an order from the birthday person and makes them what they want for dinner (for me it's always her home made chicken noodle soup)). Well, my parents are on a cruise right now so my sister's friends decided to take her out for her birthday. This didn't make me very happy. I was planning on making dinner for her tonight (she wouldn't know that I made dinner untill dinner actually happend because she teaches piano Tuesdays) but that obviously isn't going to happen. I guess she saw that I wasn't too impressed with the fact that she wasn't going to be at home for her birthday, so when I got home from school, she asked me to go out to dinner with her and her friends. I accept. Just as long as I can be with her it's all good. So this one's for you Rissy:
Happy Birthday!!!
You are so amazing and I love you so much. You're my #1 role modle and there is no one eles I would want as a big sister!

The best of friends.

So alike in the wierdest ways.


At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful thing to see two sisters as close as you are! You are very blessed to have each other. I wish I had had a sister. It looks like so much fun!

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Larissa Joy said...

thanks, rosie! buddy ol' pal! ;)


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