Monday, September 11, 2006

The kids

One of my favorite things about being in Indonesia was seeing how Julene and Chris' kids are growing up. Paeton is talking so much now. The last time I saw him he was 2 months old so he wasn't saying anything! While I was there, he said his very first prayer, "Jesus...amen." It was so cute! Tehya is growing up so fast too. She's starting to understand a lot more of what we say to her. I had so much fun playing with these 2 kids.

Paeton after having a bowl of ice cream. “Mor? Mor?”

There were a few times that I did some school with Tehya. She has so much fun doing it!

Paeton LOVES his tools! Papa and Grammy gave him some new ones for his birthday. He had so much fun with his ‘ahdeedohs’!

Tehya had so much fun with the cats in Tarakan. She was always wanting to play with them!

While I was there, Julene thought it would be a good idea for me to do some art classes for a few of the missionary kids there. So there was 2 days that 3 kids came over and did some art with Tehya and me. The classes were supposed to go on for 3 days, an hour each day. However, the kids were pretty young still, the oldest was 8 or 9 and Tehya was the youngest at 4. So after about 20 minutes the kids were done. It was fun though. On the second day, I gave them some canvases and they painted a picture on them. Once again, they were finished after 20 minutes. The only person who was interested and painted the whole hour was the only person who wasn’t supposed to be in the class: Paeton. It was so cute!


At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paeton is full of surprises! An attention span like that is unusual! What a neat experience for you, though in just learning about kids and teaching them. I'm sure they loved having you there.

At 12:57 AM, Blogger Julene said...

Rosie, just the other day I wore my striped purple Old Navy shirt (same one as you) and Paet immediately noticed it, pointed, and said "Rowie". We had to talk about that shirt and how you have the same one for awhile ... as you know, he likes repeating. "Rowie, Rowwwie, ROWWWIEEE ... Shirt, Shhirt, SHIRRRRT!"

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Rosalynn said...

Awwwwe! That's so cute! I can't believe that he knows my shirt! awwe...i miss him. And all the rest of you guys too!


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