Thursday, June 15, 2006

A little freaked out

So today I had my first dentist appointment in about ten years. I was freaked out. I told all my friends that I was going to the dentist and they all started telling me these horror stories. So I get to the dental office and they first take exrays of my mouth. They stuck something in my mouth and told me to bite down and then they took an exray. Four exrays later, she told me to get up and follow her to a different room. Well, it wasn't really a room. It was more like a closet. I had to stick my head on something and bite down on another thing and hold on to something else ... two minutes later this things start swinging around my head. After that they told me to go sit down. Five minutes later, the dental assistant shows me the four exrays she took and told me that I had three wisdom teeth (my top left one being the missing one). Then the actual dentist comes in and starts poking around my mouth (I have to say, those gloves they wear really don't taste that great). He starts saying some random letters and numbers and his asisstant answers him in the same language. After ten minutes of this, he tells me that I have two cavities. I wasn't too impressed. Honestly, how does a diabetic get cavities?!?! (okay, bad question...don't answer). Then he brings out this huge exray of my mouth and says that I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled sometime in the next two months. AAAHHHHHH!!!! First of all let me just say that I am absolutly freaked out of needles. Now, you might say, " she's diabetic and has to give herself one almost every day. How can she be scared of needles?" I've always been scared of needles. So scared that when I'm getting the flu shot or something of the sort (aka stitches), I have to watch the person give it to me or I'll freak out and wont do it. So, now I have to get two fillings and get all three of my wisdom teeth pulled?!? You've got to be kidding me. I can't see my mouth, how am I supposed to do this? The dentist takes another look at my exray (which was what that thing in the closet room did when it swung around my head) and takes another look at my mouth and says, "Oh no, nevermind. We can let the teeth grow in and (I dont remember his exact word but it was something like:) burst out of the gum and that will be easier to take out that way." So now all I have to do is get two fillings. So not looking forward to it. I'll keep you posted.


At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll be fine, Rosie. I used to have the same "freaked out" attitude too towards having any dental work done. The good thing is that they put on a topical gel first before they give the needle to help numb it so you don't feel as much of the poke. Once the freezing is in the rest is a breeze! All the best! I'll be thinking about you!

At 11:05 PM, Blogger katie marie said...

You're tough! I know you can handle it. Getting my wisdom teeth out was one of the easiest things ever... seriously, I pretended to sleep through the whole things so I didn't have to talk to him.

Dentist's will always tell you to get your wisdom teeth out, they make more money that way. Really though, unless there is no room in your mouth for them or they hurt... they're not a big deal to keep for a while. Of course... who am I to say? I have come to love Dentist-speak... I totally pretend I understand it all just cause I work with it everyday... what a good life!

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

my wisdom teeth removal was easy too - i even went to school the very next day! no one who didn't already know that i was having them pulled noticed any puffy cheeks or anything. no worries.

so not EVERYONE has bad stories. there are good ones's just that they don't get told as often 'cause they're not as fun to tell.

At 11:32 PM, Blogger Julene said...

Well, you could wait to get it all done here in Palangka Raya ... It'd be alot cheaper! LOL :-)


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