Sunday, December 18, 2005

Vancouver Giants!

Okay, so about a month or 2 ago, I got this letter thingy from JDRF (Juvinial Diabeties Research Foundation) saying that they have 6 tickets for me and 5 friends to go to a Vancouver Giants game. I replied and said that yeah, I'll take them. So, last night my family and I (which in total was 8 so we had to actually buy 2 more tickets which was totally fine) went to see the Vancouver Giants play the Portland Winter Hawks. It turned out to be a really good game. The Giants won 5 nothing. The funny part is that all of those goals were scored within the last 11 minutes of the game. Now, I have to say that this was my first hockey game that I've ever been to, at least that I know of and can remember. It was pretty exciting and even though about half the seats were empty (I'm guessing that was due to the fact that the Canucks were playing not too far from where this game was) the place got so incredibally loud when ever the Giants scored. It was awsome. So, I guess that that's my exciting story for the weekend.
The final score. We won!! YAYYYYY!!!!!

Mom, Dad, and Larissa.
Nathan and his girlfriend Katie. They chose to have the 2 seats that we had to buy. If you look close enough, you can see some people way up behind them. That would be the rest of us. Me! Yes, my hair is naturally kinda curly. Chelsea and Darren.
This was probably one of the most exciting parts of the night: the one and only fight. It was great.
This is how the fight ended. The reffs piled up on top of them. (the reff in the corner has our last name!)


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